Defense and dissertation


Maryam Seddiqui;

Assessing the environmental health status of primary schools in Julfa

Thesis profile

Subject of defense

Master, Safety, Health and Environment

defense date:

Summer, 98

first name and last name

Maryam Seddiqui


Assesment level of evirement health of schools, case study primary schools of jolfa


School environmental health has a special importance and place in the health and academic achievement of students. If safety principles are not observed in schools, educational programs in schools will not have the desired result. Therefore, assessing the health status of school environments can be effective in advancing the goals of the Ministry of Health and Education.

Due to the importance of the subject in this cross-sectional descriptive study, the primary school of Jolfa, which represented the schools under the auspices of Julfa were selected for research. In order to collect information, by referring to schools and completing the relevant checklists and forms according to the school health regulations were used. The forms were completed by trained experts and after entering them in SPSS software, they were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics. Findings show that the environmental health and safety situation in non-profit schools is not favorable. In 66.6% of schools, the condition of toilets and drinking services is hygienic. According to the results of this study, non-profit schools in Jolfa do not have the desired environmental health and safety status that should be considered.

key words

Environmental Health of School, Julfa City, SPSS Software, School Safety Status


Dr. Qolamreza Nabi Bidhendi


Dr. Hassan Howidi